Saturday 5th November 2016
Remember, remember the 5th of November. Well, no fireworks here but I did want to share a couple of my more recent sightings including a 'lifer' in the form of a 'yellow or eastern' Palm Warbler. The western subspecies is the usual one in our area and, along with Yellow-rumped Warbler, is one of the last species to migrate through. However, to have any Palm Warbler on the late date of 4th November is notable, even more so with it being the one I needed! And here it is, hanging out in my garden.
Eastern Palm Warbler - Button Bay Road, Wolfe Island, ON |
Also here the same day was a Pine Siskin - also a first for the garden. That being said, we've only been here a little over a year so 'new birds' come along all the time. Hopefully though, it does look as if we're beginning to have a movement of winter finches into the area. Fingers crossed on that one.
Pine Siskin - Button Bay Road, Wolfe Island, ON |
Other birds recently seen here include a pair of House Finches, the male looking quite spectacular in his red regalia - not as vivid as a Northern Cardinal mind you, but that species hasn't yet found my feeders. In the background you can see a Dark-eyed Junco. Seem to be plenty of those this year.
Male House Finch - Button Bay Road, Wolfe Island, ON |
Another species showing a reddish hue is the spectacular Fox Sparrow. I was fortunate to have one show up for a couple of days about a week ago. Despite being one of the larger sparrows, they are more often found in dense undergrowth, so to have one right out in the open was certainly quite special - it was also another new one for the garden list.
Fox Sparrow - Button Bay Road, Wolfe Island, ON |
Of course, there's plenty more I could share but I'm going to wrap up with an example of one of my favourite groups - the Catharus thrushes. Like the Fox Sparrow, they can often be quite hard to tie down, but with patience and a bit of luck good views can be obtained. This Hermit Thrush went all the way and came right up to the window to have a bathe - very nice!
Hermit Thrush - Button Bay Road, Wolfe Island, ON |
Here's a link to some more thrush pictures I posted on the Murphys Point Facebook page. However, it looks like you'll have to copy the link into your browser...
'til next time.
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